It is always with a sense of pride that I highlight the many talents of our St Patrick's schoolmates. Today I am very pleased to share with you some lovely photos which attest to the talent of JoJo Connors. By the way, this little story also has a bit of intrigue, which crosses international borders and even an ocean! Read on.
This story begins in the USA. St Patrick's graduate, Paula Florey (McAllister), who is currently living in the States, was looking for a special Birthday present for her mother, Pat, in St John's. St Patrick's folks always seem to keep in touch and Paula contacted school friend JoJo Connors and asked her if she could make one of her beautiful creations for Pat. Kindly, JoJo agreed.
Well, this lovely gift had to be paid for and delivered. A bit difficult for Paula in the good old USA (especially with Covid 19 and all the travel restrictions). And there was also that inconvenient little matter of American currency and Canadian currency. So, what's to be done? Never fear, Paula and JoJo were on the job and hatched a plan. Now the intrigue begins!
Paula's cousin, Heather, in St John's, is always happy to lend a helping hand so they got her in on the Birthday Caper. As they say in all the very best novels, "the plot thickens". Through some 'cousinly' agreement, payment to Heather was arranged. Then Heather contacted Pat, innocently inquired if she would be at home on the following Monday (Pat's Birthday, remember) and asked if she would do her a big favour. Heather told her trusting Aunt Pat that she was expecting a parcel but, because she had to work, she wouldn't be at home to receive it. Could she ask them to deliver it to Aunt Pat's address? ("Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive.") "Of course" replied Aunt Pat, trustingly. The deceit continues. Heather handed Aunt Pat an envelope and instructed Pat to give it to the lady who would deliver "the parcel". If you haven't already figured it out, the envelope contained payment - in Canadian currency of course - for JoJo, who had generously offered to deliver the Birthday Gift.
At last the big day arrived and so did JoJo. Needless to say, Pat was surprised and delighted with JoJo's delivery.
Now we skip across the Atlantic to Pat's sister-in-law (yours truly) in Wales. On the Birthday afternoon, being mindful of the three and a half hour time difference, we phoned Pat to wish her happiness on her Birthday. She was indeed delighted with her special day, having received calls, cards, gifts and dining invitations from loved ones near and far. Indeed, Pat was naturally very happy with everything but she enthused about her phone chat with Chris and Grayson and Paula's gift. I became curious and requested a photo of her surprise gift. A couple of emails later and I had the photos and the tale. I was extremely impressed with JoJo's beautiful arrangement, and so I felt compelled to let you all enjoy it. I didn't realize that I had such resourceful (sneaky?) nieces either. Nice work, Paula and Heather.
I think that just about sums up this post. Thanks to the scheming of family and friends - and JoJo's amazing talent, one St John's Mom had a wonderful Birthday surprise.
JoJo's work is so beautiful I just had to share it with you. Well done JoJo! No doubt about it, you are a very talented lady. Thanks for allowing me to use your photos.