Sunday, 16 February 2025


I think most of us have heard of the famous Captain Arthur Jackman and his equally famous brother, Captain Captain William Jackman.  Well, did you know that there is a special connection to the brothers and our own St Patrick's Convent.  Read on for an interesting little bit of history.

Henry Goodridge of Paignton, Devon, founded his business at Renews sometime in the early 1800s.  In 1828, Henry’s youngest son, Alan, arrived in Renews and stayed there to run the business.  

The Jackmans worked for the Goodridges skippering their ships that crossed the Atlantic or carried freight up and down the Shore. Captain Thomas Jackman was master of one of Goodridge’s vessels. Captain Thomas and his wife, Catherine Johnson, had five sons and one daughter.  When Alan Goodridge decided to move the headquarters of the business to St John’s, Thomas Jackman followed and his young sons grew up there.

Several of Thomas Jackman’s sons followed in their father’s footsteps and became captains out of St John’s. Two sons, Arthur and William, became famous for their brave and heroic deeds.  Captain William was a true hero. He rescued 27 people from a sinking ship at Spotted Islands, Labrador, in the Autumn of 1867. Captain Arthur was a famed whaler, sealer and navigator.  In 1886 Arthur took the arctic explorer, Robert Peary, on his first trip to the Arctic.  

William and Arthur’s mother, Catherine Johnson, died and eventually their father, Captain Thomas, remarried. His new wife was another Catherine, Catherine White.

Catherine White was born in Wexford, Ireland, in 1820. Catherine and Captain Thomas lived on Brine St, St John’s, in the kindly shade of St Patrick’s Church. Sadly, on 19 July, 1870, the old Sea Dog, Captain Thomas, passed away at his home.  

Two years after the demise of her husband, Catherine White Jackman joined the Presentation Congregation at St Patrick’s Convent. This was on 1st August 1872. After a year as a Postulant, Catherine was received into the Congregation on 1st  August 1873.  Catherine, who was 52 years old, was given the name of Sr Mary Monica.

It seems that Catherine White/Sr Monica Jackman had not been forgotten in her native County Wexford either. On 4th September 1897, two Wexford Newspapers, The Enniscorthy Guardian and The New Ross Standard reported that “a day of great rejoicing had taken place at the Presentation Convent of St Patrick’s, Newfoundland” as Sr Monica Jackman celebrated her Silver Jubilee.

Catherine White Jackman, stepmother to heroes
Sr Monica spent her entire Religious Life at St Patrick’s Convent, Riverhead.  She passed away at St Patrick’s Convent on 27th December 1899 at the age of 79. The stepmother of two famous seamen, William and Arthur Jackman, and the step grandmother of a Priest of St Patrick’s Parish, Fr William H Jackman, Sister Monica Jackman was laid to rest in the Nuns’ Cemetery behind St Patrick’s Convent.

Thursday, 13 February 2025


Back last autumn Christine Butler sent me a file of photos from their 2024 get together.  It was really a double celebration.  It marked 50 years since this loyal group of girls had graduated from St Patrick's Convent and also their 65th Birthdays.  There were many photos and Christine told me I could choose some to post.  Well, I didn't want to choose "some".  I wanted to post all.  In November I started to post them and, if you care to search back, you will be able to find those  posts with a selection of photos of the ladies and of our very much changed school.

In today's post I will try to post the remainder of those great pictures.  I hope you will enjoy it.

Back to School

Oh, oh!  Did you forget your Rubber Bag?
That looks like the original floor.
You look right at home but the classroom has changed a bit.
We have climbed these stairs before
Quite a change here
This is different

Is it still single file to the right?
If you look very closely, you will see a tiny figure cast by the light. Could
that be  Sr Brendan directing one of St Patrick's award winning choirs? 😇
Part 2 in a few minutes.   DO NOT GO AWAY!


As promised, I am back with the rest of Christine's photos. I think it was a happy and very memorable day for this special group of friends.

As that famous Bunny from our past used to say, "That's all folks".  I hope you enjoyed all the great pictures.  A very big thanks to Christine and the lovely ladies for sharing their special gathering with us.  The very best of luck to you all and I look forward to news of your next get together.

Oops, I almost forgot.  I saved this one till last because I wonder if anyone can tell me if this is the original flooring?  The floor that Sr Immaculata's girls spent hours mopping  and that Sr Immaculata watched over with fanatical care? Forget your Rubber Bag at your peril! 😱

That can't be the original flooring, can it? 😮


Tuesday, 28 January 2025


Bishop James Louis O'Donel
Rev Dr James Louis O’Donel (later Bishop) arrived in Newfoundland in July 1784.  It is widely believed that the first Catholic Church in St John’s, the Old Chapel, was built by Dr O’Donel  almost immediately, about 1786. However, according to Howley’s Ecclesiastical History, a chapel could have existed before this date because the foundation stone of the old Chapel, later known as the Chapel of St Louis, bears the date of 1754.

The Old Chapel, Henry St

In those days, no lease could be granted and no structure erected without the permission of the Governor.  Dr O’Donel applied to take out a lease on a piece of ground on present day Henry Street. A 99 year lease was consequently granted for a house and garden at a rent of £28 per year. Dr O’Donel then proceeded to erect the chapel. The Chapel was a small, L-shaped wooden structure. As a bell would have been illegal in those times, a Flagpole was erected to signal the beginning of Mass and other services.    

The Chapel was enlarged in 1825. Also, in 1825, the Bell was erected. This was the first Bell ever used to call the Catholics of St John’s to worship. The inscription on the Bell read “John Redhall, fecit 1825.”

By the 1830s the Old Chapel had outlived its usefulness as the Catholic population had increased.  Also, by this time, it was found to be in poor condition.  Bishop Fleming later described it as “a wretched building little better than an extensive stable, badly built and badly ventilated and now tottering in danger of falling and so wretchedly contracted that a considerable portion of the Congregation are compelled on the Sundays to abide the pelting of the storm, the freezing winds and drifting snows … with their heads bowed in prayer beneath Heaven’s own Canopy.”

In 1870, the Old Chapel was ordered to be taken down and, in 1872 it was demolished. The site was purchased by the newly instituted Star of the Sea Association who built their very first public hall upon the spot.

The Fishermen’s Hall, Queen Street, was erected in 1861.  In 1872/3 Bishop Power purchased the Fisherman’s Hall. He dedicated it as a Catholic Chapel.  Named St Peter’s, it was divided into two floors. The upper Floor was used as a Church and the ground floor as a School. The School was staffed by the Sisters of Mercy.

When the Old Chapel, Henry St, was taken down in 1872, the Bell was installed at St Peter’s Chapel on Queen Street.  From there it continued to call the faithful to prayer until the Chapel, after the opening of St Patrick’s Church, was converted to a school.

This history making Bell was then obtained by Rev J St John, pastor of St Joseph’s Church, Salmonier. It would be interesting to know what became of that Bell which would have been such a gladsome sound to the ears of our St John’s ancestors.

Sadly, we all know that the part of our history that was the Star of the Sea Hall has been sold and replaced by the ugly Star of the Sea Residences.  All for filthy lucre!  How very sad.  

Friday, 10 January 2025


Today, 10th January 2025, marks the 169th Anniversary of the founding of St Patrick's Convent.  

On 10th January 1856, four Presentation Sisters came from the Community at Cathedral Square to establish a convent at Riverhead in the Westend of St John's. They were Srs M Clare Waldron, M Ignatius Quinlan, M Regis Halpin and M Rose Mullally.  Sr Clare was appointed Superior.  

Three of the Sisters were courageous Irish Women. Their foundress, Nano Nagle, had said "If I could be of service in saving souls in any part of the globe, I would be willing to do all in my power."  True to Nano's ethos, the three had left kith and kin and crossed the Atlantic to do just that. However one sister, Sr M Rose Mullally, was different!

Grave of first Newfoundlander to become a Presentation Sister

Sr Rose made history on Presentation Day, 21st November 1851, when she joined the Presentation Sisters at Cathedral Square.  Born Catherine Mullally in 1824 at beautiful Bonavista, she was the first Newfoundlander to become a Presentation Sister.  Sr Rose died at Renews on 3rd March 1903.  She rests in the Presentation Cemetery in Renews.

On a cold, windy day, two staunch St Patrick's girls pay their
respects at the grave of one of the foundresses of
St Patrick's Convent

I think that on this anniversary we should be thankful for the four young women who dedicated their lives to the children of Newfoundland.  Thankful that they gave us the opportunity and happy privilege of being St Patrick's Girls, I wish all of you, in whatever part of the globe you are, a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.


Monday, 6 January 2025


"Friendship is a golden chain, the links are friends so dear, And like a rare and precious jewel, it's treasured more each year"  Helen Steiner Rice  ⏳⏳💖💖

Pat HURLEY McDonald sent this photo and news of a delightful time with treasured friends.  

Bernadette, Mary, Lila, Cynthia, Margie, Nancy, Maureen, Sheila, Pat

Nancy STANLEY Cook hosted a lunch at her home on Saturday, 4 January 2025.  The longtime friends, St Patrick's Girls all, had a wonderful time.  

Many thanks to hostess, Nancy, and to Pat for the news and photo.  

Helen Steiner Rice was not wrong!

Friday, 13 December 2024


Joan REYNOLDS Fogarty and friends had their Christmas gathering on 5 December.  They enjoyed each other's company and lunch at Moxies.  This wonderful group of friends have been together since Kindergarten and still meet up about three times a year.  That's real friendship!  

Joan has sent a photo and a video of the friends.  Joan told me that the video was meant to be just a photo.  I guess somebody in the group is like me - often pushing the wrong button! 😄 However, at the moment, I cannot get the video to open but I will keep trying. If I have any success with that, I will add it to this post.
Betty (Fitzgerald) Pye, Rosemary (Ashley) Healy, Rita Kielley, Eleanor (Sears ) Vatcher, Joan (Connolly) Alston, Mary (Bulger) Corcoran, Kathleen (Dobbin) Benson. Brenda (Casey ) Grouchy, Judy (Fitzgerald) Squires, Catherine (Corbett) Stanley, Joan (Reynolds) Fogarty. Missing Patricia (Connolly) Leonard.
Thanks Joan for all your support.  May all of you wonderful girls and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas followed by a year of blessings galore. Keep the get togethers going!

Friday, 6 December 2024


As we are all aware, every St Patrick's girl is special. ðŸ˜‰ Today I am posting about an extra special St Patrick's girl, Helen Gushue Mallard.

Helen Gushue is a second generation St Patrick's Girl.  Her late mother, Molly Flynn Gushue, also attended St Patrick's Convent Schools.

Helen married Tom Mallard and together they raised a beautiful family of eight daughters and five sons. Helen sent her eight girls to St Patrick's.  Her daughters were being educated at the best girls' school so, of course, her sons had to be enrolled at the best boys' school, Holy Cross!

The Mallards are a very talented family. They have been blessed with good singing voices and the ability to play many musical instruments. The girls all sang in classroom choirs and several, including Liz, Louie, Cathy and Brenda, sang in Sr Brendan's award winning Glee Clubs. 

Helen was born to Bill and Molly Flynn Gushue on 24th October 1928.  This year Helen celebrated her 96th Birthday. Helen's daughter, Mary Lou (Louie) Tucker, sent a couple of pictures of Helen and her girls.

Top: Chrissy, Louie, Sue
Middle: Tish, Geri, Brenda
Bottom: Liz, Cathy

Top: Sue, Chrissy, Louie
Middle: Helen, Cathy, Tish
Bottom: Geri, Liz, Brenda

Thanks Louie for sharing such a wonderful occasion.  It is a delight to see your dear mother and her daughters. Helen, you really are an extra special lady.  May God bless you and keep you safe.  

Saturday, 30 November 2024


 I love posting photos of St Patrick's Girls enjoying themselves.  Today, it's a photo from Sheila Bulger Power.  On Wednesday, Sheila and her sister, Mary Bulger Corcoran, had a very pleasant dining experience at the Sheraton. Sheila, Mary and their late sister, Kaye Bulger Buckingham, all attended St Patrick's Convent Schools.  

Sheila and Mary at the Sheraton

Thanks Sheila for keeping in touch.  I am sure the food was good but I am equally sure that spending time together was even better.  Merry Christmas to both of you.


Friday, 29 November 2024


Some of you have asked for names and Christine has kindly identified the friends for us.

Using the group photo here's the names;

From left to right sitting front row:

Janice Fagan, Teri Healey Evans, Ann O'Driscoll

L to R 2nd Row:
Ann Norris Lastiwka, Ellen Stone Wright, Donna Simmons Brown, Bernice Miller Stansbury

L to R 3rd Row
Judy Kavanaugh Morgan, Karen Mugford Fitzgerald, Donna Constantine Walsh,  Christine Rossiter Butler, Madelyn Kelly Lee, Debbie Barron Brown, Marilyn Taylor Best

Thanks Christine and here are a few more pictures from your celebration.  Looks like it's prezzie time!

That's it for today but there are more to come so keep looking in.

Again, thanks Christine for sharing all the photos and thanks also to all the fabulous women in this group.  Keep the good times rolling.  You are amazing.

Wednesday, 20 November 2024


They don't look like "Pensioners" but I suppose we have to believe what they are telling us.  

Happy Birthday to all you Glamorous Grads and may  you celebrate many more Happy Birthdays together.

