Thursday, 30 May 2024


 That amazing group of friends have been celebrating again.  Joan Reynolds Fogarty has sent a couple of photos of their latest get together, this time at Pop's Diner.  These St Patrick's girls have been together since Kindergarten and have been through all the joys and sorrows of life together. What a wonderful example of loyalty and friendship!   

Celebrating at Pop's Diner
It was also a great opportunity to celebrate the Birthday of one of the friends, Catherine Corbett Stanley.  

Happy Birthday Catherine
Happy Birthday Catherine and to all you beautiful ladies, keeping on meeting and enjoying the pleasure of lifelong friendship.  May God, and St Patrick of course, bless you all.

Thanks again Joan for the photos and the news.  I am grateful to you for all the support you have given to me and to this blog over the years.


  1. How wonderful! What year would have been kindergarten? ♥️

    1. I am not sure so I'll find out. I do know that they were the first class to move on to Holy Heart when it opened. That would have been about 1958. Anyway, I'll get back to you on that.

  2. Such a beautiful group of ladies. A precious treasure of a photo for sure.
