Sunday 1 June 2014


Once upon a time, June was the month in which Holy Cross Sports Day provided an exciting diversion for the boys at Holy Cross and for their sisters and friends at St Patrick's.  Craig McAllister has sent me some great pictures of one such Sports Day.  The first picture was taken as the boys marched along Water St, near the foot of Leslie St.  I was tempted to crop the picture but I thought it better to remind ourselves of how Water St at Leslie looked before progress set in!  The second picture shows the boys marching into Brother Egan field on Leslie St.   These great pictures were  taken either in 1959 or the early 1960s.  My thanks go to Craig for sharing them with us. 
Holy Cross Boys marching up Water St,
near the foot of Leslie St

Arrival at Brother Egan Field,
Holy Cross Sports Day

This third picture is one I found among my old photographs.  It was probably taken at the first Sports Day held in the new field on Leslie St.  That would have been in June 1959.  Time certainly does fly!

My brother, Shannon McAllister,
Holy Cross Sports Day, 1959
This final picture is also from my own photo collection.  I am sure many of you will remember Gerry Dawson for his prowess on the sports field.  If my memory serves me correctly, Gerry ran away with many trophies at previous Holy Cross Sports Days.  Reg Farrell, from St Lawrence, was known for his sporting achievements for his home town and for St Bon's College in St John's.

Gerry Dawson and Reg Farrell,
keeping in touch with Gerry's old School,
Holy Cross Sports Day June 1961
Are there any more H C Sports Day pictures out there?  If so, please send them to and we would be very happy to post them.


  1. Do anyone know the name of the store in the first picture? I am wondering if it was SCOTTs Store....

    1. Hi Charlene
      I don't know if it was Scotts later on but at the time this photo was taken it was Colford's Store. It was Colford's for a long time but it certainly could have changed hands later on. Thanks for looking in.
