Sunday 6 March 2022


A year or so ago Ray Simms sent me a couple of photos which I thought were just amazing.  Well, me being me (not a computer expert!), I managed to lose the photos somewhere in cyberspace.  It took me until now, and with the encouragement of my dear friend, Betty, who happens to be Ray's niece,  to pluck up courage to admit my loss to Ray and ask him to resend the photos.  The ever understanding and obliging Ray responded immediately.  So I am delighted to post Ray's photos today but first I must fill you in with a little of the background. 

Sr M Imelda taught Commercial at St Patrick's for many, many years.  Then when Holy Heart of Mary opened, Sr Imelda was transferred to that new High School.  She served there until her retirement to Presentation Mother House, Cathedral Square. Such was Sr Imelda's reputation among St John's firms, that she received requests from them for her graduates to fill their vacancies. 

Although in its early days, St Patrick's had taught boys and girls, in later years it became an all girls' school. However, many young men wished to avail of Sr Imelda's expert tutelage so, until sometime in the 1950s, Sister's classes were open to young men wishing to learn office skills. One of those young men was Ray Simms.

Ray has given us the names of the boys in this great photo. 

Sr Imelda's Commercial Class (click on the photo to enlarge)
L-R: Harry Farrell, Bob Kieley, Tom Finn, Francis Evans, Aiden McCarthy, Ray Simms

Ray has also promised to try to identify the young ladies in this photo, so, watch this space! 

Sr Imelda's Commercial Class (minus the boys)
Thank you Ray for these wonderful photos and for your patience with this not so great techie! If you would like to tell us about your days at St Patrick's with Sr Imelda, I would be more than happy to hear your story. Again, thanks for everything, stay safe, and God bless you and yours.

This next photo isn't one of Ray's.  As I don't have a picture of Sr Imelda, I am posting one of her resting place at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

Sr Imelda's grave in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

1 comment:

  1. I have had an email from Marina CAREW Aita with a lovely tribute to Sr Imelda. Marina tried to post the comment here but, as so often happens with the comment section, the computer would not co-operate. So, here is Marina's comment.
    "I was one of Sr. Imelda’s students as well. As a young girl I had a very traumatic experience with my employer and had quit my job immediately after. I then became very concerned that Sr. Imelda, who had worked so hard to secure employment for her students, would reprimand me for making such a rash decision; however, she was very sympathetic and soon found another job for me with the Provincial Government.
    I can never forget Sr. Imelda for her compassion".
    Thanks Marina for taking the time to pass on your personal experience of Sr Imelda. She was a great little lady and at Holy Heart, she always stood up for the St Patrick's girls there. God rest her soul.
